The 3HO--the Healthy, Happy, Holy organization-- is the official organization for Kundalini Yoga in the United States. The website, www.3HO.Org, is a veritable treasure trove of information one needs as a practitioner of Kundalini Yoga.
The official website of the Healthy, Happy, Holy organization Kundalini yoga in the United States. This lists events for Summer and Winter Solstice celebrations, links to 3HO organizations in other countries, educational opportunities, free email publications, newsletters, instructional notes to many kriyas and meditations, recipes, lifestyle articles, and links to many other related resources. A wealth of information you won't want to be without.
This is the training and teaching arm under the 3HO umbrella organization. It is responsible for the training of Kundalini yoga teachers and insuring the accuracy of the transmissions of the teachings. This website has a searchable database to a vast library of teachings.
A professional global association of Kundalini Yoga Teachers, promoting an Aquarian community through teaching, practicing, and sharing of Kundalini Yoga teachings, is also the website to learn about teachers and events in your area
The wonderful online store of Ancient Healing Ways, located in Espanola, NM. Sells Kundalini yoga music and books, body care products, herbal supplements and natural foods.
Dr. Siri Gian Singh Khalsa's website for Kundalini yoga intensive workshops, Kundalini yoga teacher training, breathwork, raw organic vegan food preparation, and cleansing retreats. Dr. Khalsa is my mentor and most esteemed teacher, who trained me to teach Kundalini yoga in 1998. These are workshops you won't want to miss.
Here is the access to a vast database of Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations. Find a practice to meet your needs.
The following books are recommended for information about Kundalini Yoga. They are available through www.kriteachings.org, www.yogatech.com and www.ahw.stores.turbify.net, and sometimes at www.amazon.com
Breathwalk by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD and Yogi Bhajan, PhD
Divine Alignment by Guru Prem Singh Khalsa
The Kundalini Yoga Experience by Guru Dharam S. Khalsa and Darryl O'Keeffe
Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa
Kundalini Yoga Meditation: Techniques Specific for Psychiatric Disorders, Couples Therapy & Personal Growth by David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa
The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets by Gurucharan S. Khalsa and Yogi Bhajan
Praana, Praanee, Praanayam, Exploring the Breath Technology of Kundalini Yoga by Yogi Bhajan
The Ten Light Bodies of Consciousness by Nirvair Singh Khalsa
The 21 Stages of Meditation by Gurucharan S. Khalsa, PhD
Yoga for Prosperity by Siri Kirpal Kaur Khalsa
The official website of the Healthy, Happy, Holy organization Kundalini yoga in the United States. This lists events for Summer and Winter Solstice celebrations, links to 3HO organizations in other countries, educational opportunities, free email publications, newsletters, instructional notes to many kriyas and meditations, recipes, lifestyle articles, and links to many other related resources. A wealth of information you won't want to be without.
This is the training and teaching arm under the 3HO umbrella organization. It is responsible for the training of Kundalini yoga teachers and insuring the accuracy of the transmissions of the teachings. This website has a searchable database to a vast library of teachings.
A professional global association of Kundalini Yoga Teachers, promoting an Aquarian community through teaching, practicing, and sharing of Kundalini Yoga teachings, is also the website to learn about teachers and events in your area
The wonderful online store of Ancient Healing Ways, located in Espanola, NM. Sells Kundalini yoga music and books, body care products, herbal supplements and natural foods.
Dr. Siri Gian Singh Khalsa's website for Kundalini yoga intensive workshops, Kundalini yoga teacher training, breathwork, raw organic vegan food preparation, and cleansing retreats. Dr. Khalsa is my mentor and most esteemed teacher, who trained me to teach Kundalini yoga in 1998. These are workshops you won't want to miss.
Here is the access to a vast database of Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations. Find a practice to meet your needs.
The following books are recommended for information about Kundalini Yoga. They are available through www.kriteachings.org, www.yogatech.com and www.ahw.stores.turbify.net, and sometimes at www.amazon.com
Breathwalk by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD and Yogi Bhajan, PhD
Divine Alignment by Guru Prem Singh Khalsa
The Kundalini Yoga Experience by Guru Dharam S. Khalsa and Darryl O'Keeffe
Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa
Kundalini Yoga Meditation: Techniques Specific for Psychiatric Disorders, Couples Therapy & Personal Growth by David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa
The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets by Gurucharan S. Khalsa and Yogi Bhajan
Praana, Praanee, Praanayam, Exploring the Breath Technology of Kundalini Yoga by Yogi Bhajan
The Ten Light Bodies of Consciousness by Nirvair Singh Khalsa
The 21 Stages of Meditation by Gurucharan S. Khalsa, PhD
Yoga for Prosperity by Siri Kirpal Kaur Khalsa